200 George Street
Design Competition
The proposal creates a point of difference, its own expression, yet it is a good neighbour, sitting comfortably in the premier street of Australia.
It bridges the surrounding commercial and public hubs of Sydney, interlinking the myriad of cross site links and lanes, proposing a new public space as a linkage. It creates an important amenity for the users of the city and building. It allows filtering and movement through and around the site, providing for and continuously activating the streetscapes.
The innovated approach and careful proportioning of the entry element adds a new and innovative character to the streetscape, providing amenity and space for pedestrians and building users alike. It provides an engaging and active front address to the building, rich in colour and material, appropriate in scale and detail.
The form of the tower maximises the opportunity offered by the site without impacting on surrounding buildings, and politely enables the amenity and character of the area. The tower is unique and therefore identifiable from afar, yet sits comfortably in the city skyline.
The facade, informed by it environmental response, creates a visually rich screen of constantly changing patterns of light and movement, expressing its internal functions whether workspace, breakout or lobby, adding an ever changing layer of visual delight to the cityscape.
Service, parking and cycle access are carefully considered, providing simple and secure facilities without impacting on the pedestrian movement through and across the site. Opportunities are maximised to activate and enhance the whole precinct for the use of the public and building users alike.
A simple palette of materials detailed carefully to create an appropriate impression of quality and longevity. The lack of applied decoration masking the design is clear. Decoration is applied through the layering of the light and shadow over the building form.
A solution inspired by the creation of an efficient and appropriate workplace, defined by an environmentally appropriate response. A massing formulated with an understanding of streetscape and skyline, with a logical overlay of service and structure.
The composition is unified in creating a visually rich and delightful addition to Sydney.