Gosford Health & Wellbeing Precinct

The new HWP is a significant component of the expansion of Gosford Hospital, creating a new front door for the hospital and opening the way for future expansion to follow across Holden Street and to the east. It accommodates health and government-related infrastructure and amenity necessary to meet both current and projected future demand.

The core component of the HWP is the new entry hub and pedestrian plaza. A combined vehicle drop-off and car park entry provides a single, visible and identifiable entrance for the hospital precinct. Vertical transport for the public and car park users is consolidated in one location, providing safe and equitable access to the plaza level, health and government-related administration buildings above and the main hospital entrance.

The plaza level provides a covered, accessible walkway from the HWP up to the main hospital entrance. The closure of Holden Street to public vehicles allows the existing hospital precinct to be properly integrated with the HWP.

A multi-storey car park with approximately 800 car spaces over 6 levels is to deal with current and future demand, whilst two new buildings, 5 and 4 storeys respectively, are for health-related use.