Melbourne Quarter

Design Competition

A solution informed by an understanding of the new workplace idiom, a collection of flexible spaces that start at the ground plane and move high into the building.

A solution informed by the knowledge that the modern marketplace requires solutions that achieve a cost effective solution, informed by the efficient use of base materials and construction techniques.

A solution which understands that buildings alone no longer define the corporation or organisation within. They are no longer required to be dressed and teased to deliver a preordained message or look. The workers and the work produced define the modern corporation.

A solution which responds to our climate both in the spaces it creates, but also acknowledges the need to address the ongoing environmental issues of our planet.

A solution which does not resort to trickery of form or aesthetic, but is a solution derived from the overlay of a strong idea of site and location on logic.

A solution which bridges the surrounding commercial and public hubs of Melbourne. It creates an important amenity for the users of the city and buildings. It allows filtering and movement through and around the buildings, providing for, and continuously activating a new public space for Melbourne.

A solution which through an innovative approach and careful proportioning of the podium elements will add a new active character to the Collins Street Streetscape - rich in colour and material, appropriate in scale and detail.

A solution which allows the tower configuration and form to maximise the opportunity offered by the site, creating a positive contribution to the precinct and respecting its neighbours. It politely enables the amenity and character of the area. The tower is unique and therefore identifiable from afar.